Monday, November 28, 2011

We've moved

We've moved, we've had guests, we've had Thanksgiving (or T-give around these parts), we've unpacked, we've (especially Bill) traveled, we've had hair cuts, we've been scanning. We've been busy.
Fear not, he was not this calm at the end.
View from our balcony of our new apartment from 2 weeks ago. All the leaves are gone now.
Taking care of business before we move. He's a good helper.
Our trip to Washington and Bill's trips to the windy city for work. They have been plentiful.

I've been scanning pictures of Bill's family. This is one of my favorites of his Dad. It will be nice to have these little gems around.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Boxing day

save me from this self inflicted torture, please

I know it is early for boxing day, but it is boxing day for us. We are boxing up our apartment and moving up the street. Huzzah!
Why is packing soooooo hard??? I've been productive, don't worry. I put on the giant head phones and have been jamming out while I pack up my kitchen up and clean my oven.
I've also plucked my eye brows and straightened my hair. Curled my eye lashes and had a peanut butter and honey sandwich. The apartment is a work in progress. We have to go get more boxes, but that can't be done until the babe awakes from his nap. Alas, I'll just have to waste time booth. Ya welcome.
This was from a previous session with photo booth. My sister, Tzeitel. Circa Oct. 2010.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Tis a week past Halloween, therefore, I can still post. We had a crazy Halloween this year. All I can say is "Thank you Old Navy for the $6 costume". Yep, I'm cheap, and a procrastinator. But look how cute this little chicken is. Next year, we will get our game on like our dear Cousin, he was Richard Simmons, it was a hoot. He sets a high bar.

Can you see the struggle? Bill is trying to prevent our little chicken from crossing the road. Bahahah. You really didn't think you could get through this whole post without the obligatory chicken crossing the road joke?