Saturday, November 7, 2009

Photo Friday/Saturday

Bill sent me some pictures to post since I'm lacking material. So I'm posting a picture from this summer. Remember our trip out to Annapolis with my sister and brother in law? Well, down by the water of the restaurant we were eating at, there were tubs of crabs that were too small to eat, and other such things. This little girl was fearless, and grabbed this crab that I can't identify. Who am I kidding, she grabbed all sorts of crazy crap out of those tubs. But oh do I want to eat some crab right now. Yummy.


Ali said...

That looks like a horseshoe crab (but what do I know). I am no expert. I would not, however, pick one up (but I would pet one at the Atlantic City Aquarium).

Kate said...

I think you are right. Do people eat those things? They look scary!