Sunday, November 15, 2009

Seen & Heard

Seen: Box on the counter is open and contents have been rifled through. Upon closer inspection: some items are missing.
Cat on the floor in a catnip stupor. Apparently he discovered where his toys were hidden. Common, you know you like these ridiculous updates.

Heard: An adult said the word "pimpslap" in primary the children. It wasn't a slip of the tongue. Good luck parents in explaining that to your child.


Maggie said...

I love Cassius updates - he is soooo cute.

JoSue said...

Clark and I are in an ongoing debate about getting a cat!! Both of us would be fine with one but we are choosing sides to make it an even fight and to see all the pros and cons. Whenever you do posts about your cat I always start to want one!! So, shedding? smell? litterbox? extra cost? Give me all the good info so I can make an educated decision. Your cat is a genius btw.