Saturday, July 10, 2010

Asher Talking-ish

Asher and I like to practice talking. So far he has "oooooooooo" down cold. We try other vowel sounds, but he just stares up at me in confusion, either because he doesn't know how to make those sounds, or because he doesn't know why we would say anything besides "oooooooooo."


Grandma Maggie said...

You made my day - I was at work and checked your sight at lunch - what a delight! You guys are the cutest thing this grandma's ever seen!

Renee said...

It's so fun to see a video of him! He's extra cute in motion.

the lunch lady said...

ohhh that was cute! he's getting chunky!

Nanette said...

I love that babies are natural entertainers from the get-go!
They don't even have to do anything!