Friday, December 3, 2010

Cookies and life as we know it

It's cookie season and I have no self control. I'm trying to be good and eat lots of fruits and vegetables. But lets be honest, the fruit selection this time of year is weak. And frankly, a mini cheeseburger sounds way better to me right know than a salad.
So here is my question (please leave comments), what do you guys eat everyday. Staying home all day makes me want to graze on crackers. I love crackers. Do any of you have any other tasty alternatives¿ Cool, I just figured out how to do the the upside-down question mark¿

In other news (in no specific order):
  • My sweet babe is crawling. I like it and I don't. I need to get some gates.
  • We put of the tree last night and I've already had to redecorate the bottom half of the tree, not because of my kid- but because of the cat.
  • Bill is officially an Esquire. We all rejoiced!
  • I signed up for the cherry blossom 10 miler, it's a lottery to get in, cross your fingers I win. I need something to motivate me to keep running.
  • All I want to eat are cookies, like these.
  • And lastly, well, I don't have anything else to say. I thought by having a kid my life would get less boring. I was wrong. We go to target, we go on runs, he naps, and we chill.
  • oh I know, I mopped my floors this morning. I feel happy strangely enough. I hate cleaning this apartment, probably because 1 item left out makes the place feel like a disaster. So I always feel like I'm picking up etc. ¿What am I going to do when we live in a place that is bigger than 800 sq feet? Maybe liking the apartment more will give me reason to clean.


Paige said...

Staying home is really hard on the healthy eating regimen, isn't it?

I make muffins with shredded vegetables and whole wheat and greek yogurt in them and as little sugar as possible, because a muffin feels like a treat. I also drink a lot of herbal tea and a lot of milk.

Kalli said...

It gets worse. With two I feel an overwhelming urge to get out of the house. So where do we go? Taco Bell, McDonalds, sometimes both in the same day... I need serious help, too.

Barbie Madsen said...

your life sounds very similar to mine. As for food, I got on a hummus Kick for a while. but i mostly just eat cereal. Chocolate milk also makes a frequent appearance. As for healthy....????? Nope, nothing's coming to me.

Anonymous said...

In all fairness... I just finished off the cookie dough while reading this :) BUT hummus is good, with carrots, not crackers (though crackers are still yummy). And pomegranates are a yummy choice this time of year. It takes me forever to get through one, so it occupies my time and my taste buds!

Danielle said...

For breakfast I always eat either homemade granola or a multigrain english muffin with peanut butter. For lunch I usually eat leftovers. For dinner, I always plan my menu at the beginning of the week so I try to plan healthy things and work the veggies in there. And since I eat dinner leftovers for lunch, if I've planned healthy dinners, I'm good to go.

I try to always eat some fruit (usually apples) or veggies (usually carrots) with my lunch and as snacks during the day. I do eat cheese and crackers for snacks a lot, but I eat Triscuits (which I think are healthy...) and I figure I can get away with the cheese since I'm nursing.

All that said, my attempts to eat healthy basically go out the window from Thanksgiving to New Year's. I still try to eat healthy meals, but I don't worry as much about the sweets I'm eating. Only time of the year that I get to enjoy a baking free for all!

Clare said...

I graze all day, it's terrible. I hope you get some good suggestions too. Though, I did just buy myself a 5 lb. box of those baby oranges and have been eating at least 3 a day.

Kate said...

So yesterday I went to trader joes and walked out with dark chocolate covered pretzels and peppermint oreos (they're seasonal, had to get them). I'm trying my best to limit my intake, but it is sooooo hard.

Renee said...

Trader Joe's is dangerous for snack junkies! I love the variety they have.
Congratulations to Bill! The California bar too! And Britton says he needs proof of Asher crawling. Some kind of video or something will do:)

Ali said...

Mmmm, cookies. I just made some DELICIOUS gingersnap cookies that I think you posted about last year. That is how I eat (although I've had major muffin cravings this pregnancy, so I'm doing what your first commentor, Paige does, with the shredded carrots and apples and whole wheat flour).
Sorry your kid is crawling. It opens up a whole new world of trouble. and dirty knees. and putting everything in their mouths (and now they can actually reach everything, and those pieces of fuzz on the floor that are, apparently, irresistable)!