Monday, July 28, 2008

You May Call Me "High Powered Executive"

Doesn't this say powerful/sassy/and classy
Yep, I'm a no nonsense girl, now get out of my way

For some reason, I'm really looking forward to having a job again. Don't get confused, I'm not looking forward to that action of finding a job, I just want it. The action of finding a job is what I like to call "Soul Sucking". Lets be real, I call it what it is. But I am looking forward to having a job a making some money.
I think this false sense of wanting a job comes from the book I'm currently reading, Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. In all of her books (well the two that I've read/reading) one of the main characters is that of a strong, powerful, intelligent, and sexy women, and I want to be that woman. Okay, take out the sexy to everyone else, but feel free to substitute beautiful and well dressed. Yep, I want to be a powerful executive with a wardrobe from Ann Taylor, running a rail road (so I like Ann Taylor, who doesn't?). I want to be that strong woman who brings in an incredible amount of revenue due to my genius ideas and my no bull crap attitude.
But then reality sets in every time I begin that soul sucking process of finding a job. I have a degree, but that doesn't get you anywhere anymore, it's all about who you know. But as long as I keep reading this book, my view will remain optimistic. I can and will be a powerful executive someday, of whatever I chose.
So, to those of you out there who are in Chicago and you know of anyone that is hiring, feel free to drop me a line.

To see the prize from my D.C. trip visit Paige's blog.


Renee said...

Was that book recommended by our quasi-libertarian friend per chance? Don't let him get to you...stay strong!

Kate said...

no quasi-libertarian friend recommend this to me. I read it because I wanted to read it. Besides, whose to say I'm not a libertarian- haven't you seen my facebook account?

Ron Paul for President!

the lunch lady said...

can I just call you HPE for short?

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the job hunt!

vanessa said...

Atlas Shrugged is one of my favorite books, much to the chagrin of Merrick who tried to read it but couldn't get through it since it's super long. I'm not necessarily into the whole objectivism thing per se but it gives you lots to think about.