Friday, February 26, 2010

Law School Musical

The law school musical has come and gone, and I'll have to say it was a success. In fact, dare I say, it was the best law school musical I've ever seen (I've been to all of them). Okay, so maybe I'm a little biased, but I'm supposed to be. Bill was the head writer for the musical this year and he did a great job. It was funny to everyone, not just the audience members that were drunk. (Have I mentioned that alcohol seems to be a necessary part of any law school function?)
Anyway, here is a picture of my star. In this scene, he was acting as a member of the Edmund Burke Society, hence the cravat, monocle and top hat.
Can we say Pretentious!
abominable, dogma, aficionado, au pair - some pretentious sounding words for your enjoyment.
He did a fine job indeed. Bravo Bill.
Too bad the next law school activity you have to look forward to is...the bar. Bummer.

Did you want to see a scene? Check this out.


Henry said...

Bravo,Bill! If the law doesn't work out, there's always Hollywood!

the lunch lady said...

way to go, Bill!