Thursday, February 3, 2011

Swimming v. Baseball

This is Bill. Recently, Kate had a couple blog posts debating which sport was "more athletic," swimming or baseball. The commenters on these posts favored swimming. Their arguments strain all sense of reason. Accordingly, they merit no refutation. Instead, I have put together the following video summarizing the issue. Be sure to let it load and play it with sound to really drive the point home. Double-click for full-screen.


acandiedapple said...

Bill, I have been waiting for your side of the argument. But, seriously? I have been to many MLB games and I'm sure you have too. The whole 3-4 hours were not like this. Yes, they're fun but this video made it more like WWE than a true baseball game. Also, the question was athleticism not which is more fun to watch when heavily edited. Nice try, I still vote for swimming.

Erin said...

Haha... funny.

the lunch lady said...

I have to say I do love baseball!