Sunday, March 20, 2011

11 Months Old

I thought I would do a little post on the babe. He is eleven months old, so I'll post 11 things about him.
1. He loves to scream....out of joy. At Church, at the store, at home, whenever he is happy and there are people near, he will scream for fun. I'm sure all the people around us love it.
2. The entertainment center provides hours of entertainment. Were these pieces of furniture created for small children, I think so.
3. He has 5 little razor teeth.
4. He will eat just about anything. In fact, I can't think of anything right now that he won't eat. But he loves whatever Bill or I are eating the most.
5. He doesn't walk yet, but he does cruise around the room with the aid of furniture.
6. He has had 3 haircuts in his short life. How do you tame the untameable, we are still trying to figure that one out.
7. He loves to talk. He says mom, dad, and nana (banana).
8. He is a great help when it comes to laundry. He is great at gathering up all the socks, tasting them, and maybe crawling around with them in his mouth until he decides to try another sock.
9. Along with screaming, he loves to wave at people. He has no concept of stranger danger.
10. He loves the cat. The cat hates him.
11. He is excited for nursery, and so are we.


JoSue said...

Lol! I loved all that. He's so handsome and I wish he could be here to hang out with the trio. Teach them how to sit up or something. We have a screamer. Stresses me out sometimes. And we took all of them to church for the first time today. That was interesting. 18 months can't come fast enough. :)

CANNOT believe it's almost been a year. CRAZY!

Nanette said...

pining for nursery ALREADY? :D
They might not want to give him back after they see him :)

Janel said...

Wow... How did he get to be 11 months already!? Time flew by. I swear you were just having him ;) He's such a cute little guy!!!!