Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Ash Wednesday

So I guess I'm pretty naive, not that anyone is really surprised by that comment, but today was Ash Wednesday (just a reminder for all of you that live in Utah). Do we all know what Ash Wednesday is: it is the first day of Lent which occurs 40 days before Easter. So what happens on Ash Wednesday? Well the faithful go to Mass and a priest will mark the head of the worshiper with black ashes in the shape of a cross.
So this morning I came to work, and our high school student from a Jesuit high school comes in with this big black smudge across his forehead.
I said "Hey Paco (name changed in order to protect the student's identity) you've got black stuff all over your forehead."
Paco "It's Ash Wednesday......" (duh!)
Me "oh yeah...........just kidden ya"
So throughout the day, I saw various people with crosses of ash on their foreheads, and do you know what, now I feel like I'm not faithful. What a loser, no cross, then don't sit at our lunch table. I just want to shout "Hey..........I'm faithful, just in a different way.........I fasted last Sunday.........that is what faithful people do.........yeah, I'm still there!"
Not that I'm going to go to Mass, because of course I'm not Catholic, but I'm ready to feel included again guys........ Is it normal Thursday yet?


the lunch lady said...

Next time you'll wear your sackcloth and ashes on fast Sunday, so everyone will know you're one of the faithful.

Larson Family said...

Last night I went to the grocery store and saw people with black stuff on their foreheads. I had absolutely no idea what for. Thanks for the enlightment!