Sunday, February 24, 2008

Running Update

This week was a rough week. I took Thursday off (as part of my schedule) and still managed to get in 51 miles this week. Today was especially hard. I had to do my long run of 20 miles and I could barely walk afterward. You know the feeling (well maybe you don't), but your legs and feet ache, and I just want to lie down on the floor. But I still had my errands to run today, so I filled the bathtub with ice cold water and sat in it for about 10 minutes. And voila, I feel great and walked to the market.
So my fun fact for the week is- take a cold bath after a hard workout, it makes a HUGE difference. I too was skeptical, but my cousin Jill told me how she does it all the time, so last year, I started taking ice baths, and it speeds up my recovery 10 fold.


the lunch lady said...

you should have just gone down to the lake!

Bill said...

And by today, she means yesterday.

Melanie said...

wow, can't even imagine running 20 miles.

JoSue said...

The thought of a cold bath makes me cringe. You're much tougher than I am. I am currently up to 3 miles in my running regime.... Let me assure you that it is a sslllooowww 3 miles. Way to go Kate, you're almost there!

Nanette said...

You are amazing! (you probably look fabulous too!)

Farm Girl said...

Or nuts - you pick.