Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My New BFF

Yesterday I bought this. I LOVE it! I've been kind of looking for a city bike for a while. I say kind of because everyday when I walk home from work, I see all these bikes, like this one, chained up to the gates around apartment buildings, and I contemplate taking one. No one would notice, right? Okay, I would never steel, but I sure did covet. I also perused cr@ig's list occasionally for a bike that fit and didn't require a major overhaul. And yesterday I had success, I found this sweet puppy out in Aurora- the home of Wayne's World. I made A go with me to pick it up all the way out in suburbia, and I felt somewhat giddy at the prospect of being in a place with so much grass and open space. And then I realized when we were cramming the bike into my car that the lady probably picked this up at a suburbia garage sale for cheap and was re-selling it to some city slicker (aka, me - they don't have garage sales in the city, no one has garages/yards) for a fat profit. Yeah, I think I got taken, but oh well, you find something that is perfect and you snatch it up.
You know, maybe I would be able to get to work on time now that the buses have a weird summer schedule. That would be great! And I love the baskets, perfect for my groceries, or library books, flowers, farmers market, beach crap, and maybe even a puppy (j/k - we aren't getting a puppy, yet). Now I just need to buy 2 bike locks, because that seems to be the standard around here. Maybe one u-lock will suffice.
Car Spindle from Wayne's World. It no longer exists.
image from Whateverland


the lunch lady said...

very cute!!!

I can see you wandering around chicago in a cute little print dress ala minnie driver in return to me . . .

acandiedapple said...

Cute. I love it!

JoSue said...

I love your new bike and I can just imagine you riding it! ha! Awesome. And your basket full of....stuff! Including your cat. :) Whenever I rode my bike to work, I was a sweaty mess by the time I arrived...and it was only a mile! I'm pathetic. Hopefully your commute isn't too long. Great purchase though, hopefully the two locks work.

Kate said...

Luckily, work is only about 1.5 miles and it's all flat. Shouldn't be too bad. Another important factor in picking out the perfect bike, is if I can wear it with a skirt, since that is the dress code for humid summers. If anyone wants to come to Chicago, I'll let you ride my bike, sans cat though.

Annette said...

Super cute bike!

Bill said...

The bike is super cool. I'm glad you have such great taste in bikes, especially since you're always in charge of bike purchases.