Thursday, September 27, 2007

Do Tell Me

If there is a way to view what everyone voted, someone tell me so I can find out who all you naughty voters are. I should have constructed the poll so that you could only vote blond. I know at least two of you.....Bill and Derek. Maybe what you guys are trying to tell me is that my hair is chameleon like- in that my hair color changes to match the situation. When I am feeling brainy, my hair is brown, or when I'm delightful and fun to be around, I'm blond, and when I'm a gem- I think my hair is golden colored, and finally when I'm annoyed, I'm a red head. It makes perfect sense, because I was slightly annoyed at the law school dinner- thus she called me a red head. But don't worry Bill and Derek, you're still not off the hook.


Farm Girl said...

In my book you are always delightful.

Farm Girl said...

P.S. I know a certain someone who voted more than once. Just don't ask me to name names.