Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cramping My Style

I was going to post this yesterday, but I ran out of time. So the President was in the neighborhood all weekend. He was a pain in the butt. They closed off the street runs in front of his house (coincidentally, the same street we live on) to all parking for 3 days. And in place of parking, there were cop cars planted every 100 meters down the road, until you get to the concrete barricade that starts 2 blocks from his house, at that point, there are way more cops/secret service.
Anyway, I went to the gym on Monday morning as usual, and secret service starts infiltrating the the place, they set up security cameras and sent the dogs around to sniff the equipment. And then they called us all out (right in the middle of my set) and we are wanded...is that the correct term? Metal detected? I don't know. Yeah, I'm standing there with my arms and legs spread out and the dang metal detector goes off when it hits my shorts. Dang it, my ipod. I stick it in the elastic from my shorts, stupid arm band broke and I haven't replace it. I show him the ipod, and I go back to my workout.
So then later, around 8:19 AM, the President is done working out (he came after I left), so the motorcade gets into formation. You wouldn't believe all the secret service cars that came out of hiding to get into formation. They stopped all traffic, and of course the locals are honking their hearts out at the secret service. You've got to love the local south siders. A few minutes later, the motorcade takes off, including the ambulance that always comes to the gym with him, you know, just in case. So here is a picture of the motorcade blocking traffic and making me late to work, because of course the buses are re-routed when he decides to workout. Sorry the picture sucks, the cameras on cell phones, though convenient, just aren't that good.
The point is, "Mr. President, you are cramping my style, would you please stay in D.C.? Thanks."


Erin said...

What a drag. I saw him* come back to DC yesterday afternoon....if that's any consolation.

*I didn't see him, but I did see his 3 fancy, yet deadly, helicopters landing.

Farm Girl said...

Will somebody please buy that man a treadmill?

Paige said...

They could have at least given everyone at the gym "Junor Secret Servcie" pins for the trouble.

JoSue said...

The funny this is that you actually used to be excited that Obama worked out at your gym. Oh how things have changed. It's especially inconvenient because I assume you are waiting in the FREEZING cold for your bus. The least he could do is hand out free hot chocolate.

Annette said...

Ha! What drama! I'm surprised he bothers going somewhere public.

Melanie said...

Ditto! I don't get to go through the gym drama with you, but I sure feel the same way about the buses.

Kate said...

I don't envy you Citymama, but wouldn't it be great if he could just helicopter around rather than drive.

Yes Farm Girl, you'd think he would splurge for a treadmill in his house, but the fact of the matter is, he can do what ever he wants.

Secret service agents are surprisingly nice and social, but they don't give out jr secret service pins.

I was excited, until I got my picture then I was done with him.
And it is a warm 30 degrees outside, I'm not kidding when I say warm - because it feels nice!

AJ- I think he gets a kick at the world stopping for him, at lease while he is on vacation.

the lunch lady said...

some people and their power trips!

how rude to interrupt your set. don't they know you're in training?

Danielle said...

A - men. I really wish he would stay in DC. It's been less than a month and he already needs a vacation? Really?

Let's hope he's not going to be back in town every three weeks cause he needs a break, or cause he wants food from Valois Cafe, or whatever it is he came back for.

Please stay away!

Nanette said...

Just think how "safe" you are with all those police cars around ;)

Kate said...

there a loads of police here anyway, but they don't deal with crime unless there is a gun or knife involved.

chel said...

Ha, I thought that this was funny. Until He decided to come to Mesa. He gave his speech today in the High School a few miles from our Apartment. And yes, having the President in town is kind of a hassle!

Liesl Shurtliff said...

Amen! I know he's trying to have a normal life and all but reality check Mr. President, you are the President and you can't have a normal life. Somethings gotta give! He'll figure it out eventually.

LuAnn said...

Why the crap doesn't he have a gym in that mansion of his? Imagine the gym he could have with the money of 1 single trip 1/2 a mile down the road. I really wanted to sit down and calculate how much that must cost each time.