Wednesday, September 3, 2008

"Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned" and boy do I feel SCORNED!!!

Dear girl,
We rented our home to you for the summer clean and nice, and you left it like a bull in a China shop. But let me just thank you for a few things that you thoughtfully left for us. Thank you for the the black disgusting mold on the caulk of our bathrooms and kitchen. Thanks for the shrimp tales surrounding the garbage. Thanks for the tomato (plus seeds) that were ground into the tile. Thanks for killing my plant. Thanks for the greasy face prints that were left on every window in the apartment. Thanks for leaving the kitchen floor more sticky than the floor of a dollar theater. Thanks for leaving beer caps all around the house, I've had a grand time finding them all. Thanks for using up every type of oil that I own, I'm sure that had we left our car, you would have siphoned the oil and gas out of that too. Thanks for leaving juicy rotten garlic in my wooden bowl. Thanks for my more than doubled electricity bill. You really have outdone yourself. You are the most disgusting person I've ever had to deal with. Thank you for showing me that having faith in humanity is futile. Feel free to come by and pick up your crap. I'll give you a knuckle sandwich for the drive home.

Sincerely, your disgruntled lessor,



the lunch lady said...

ewwwww! Poor Kate!

Whitney said...

No way! That is the worst!

Erin said...

blasted subletters! Subletting rarely works out, unfortunately. Our second summer we sublet our apartment out to some BYU Law students and we came back to nastiness! It was a horrid, horrid experience.

Sorry it happened to you, too. :(

JoSue said...

All I can say is WOW. How can people be so oblivious to the fact that they are slobs and should probably clean up after themselves. It's too bad we didn't do an internship in Chicago because I am a FABULOUS lessor. Seriously, that girl should pay me for how clean I left her apartment. I'm sorry to hear of your misfortunes though. Hopefully you guys can stay in the Chicago area next summer and won't have to worry about that. Hopefully you are rockin your interview right now!!

Bill said...

Didn't we watch the mythbusters where the bulls didn't touch any of the china?

I was impressed by the use of lessor, though.

LuAnn said...

Ha ha. We came home to our apartment in Missouri to french fries sitting on the stove in a pot. What!!! I could never let someone else see my disgust. Anyway...I should be calling you instead of reading blogs. Give me just a minute.

Nanette said...

How rude! I am shocked. You poor girl. :(

Chapman Family said...

Agh! We've talked about renting our house instead of selling when we're ready to move-stories like this always make me rather hesitant to do so. So sorry about that-hope you had someone to help you disinfect the war zone!

Keith and Nicci said...

We really shouldn't laugh since that's so disgusting, but we couldn't help ourselves. Wow.

And Keith says the office just isn't the same without Bill...

Jobi Niu said...

hahahaha a knuckle sandwich!! You're so funny! That really is SOO annoying though Kate.. I'll help ya out with the knuckle sandwich! :)

Aimee said...

Ahh, that sounds so frustrating. I love your blog. You are a running inspiration to me.

Aimee P.
(if you reply to this comment with your email address I can invite you to our blog. Privatized blogs are so annoying, but oh well...)

Kate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KSK said...

Oh my gosh. I am so sorry. That is so disgusting. It just kept getting worse and worse. Welp, how are you besides having to clean up? I was happy to see your blog.