Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Random Report

This is the view from out apartment. Well not today, it is cloudy and raining, but this is what you would see. We have a great view.I woke up the other morning to this. Apparently, the cat doesn't agree, because he had to stand on his hind legs for a better view.We went to the symphony last Saturday. For some reason, it is cheaper to go to the symphony than to go to the movies.
The featured piece was Shostakovitch's 15th symphony. I've heard some of his earlier works, and liked them. But I didn't much care for the 15th. In fact, it was a long hour of discombobulated notes with random motifs from other composers. My favorite part of going to this event (we still had a lot of fun, don't get me wrong) was the research of Shostakovitch. Aren't these pictures strikingly similar? Some people just don't change much.


the lunch lady said...


maybe you should post a picture of young harry potter with it . . . maybe daniel radcliffe is really shostakovich . . .

Jobi Niu said...

KATE!! I LOVE your hair. SOOO CUTE! THat picture of you and Bill at the Symphony... LOVIN IT! That's a pretty view from your apartment.
I'm SOOO dissapointed in TBL. I HATE HELEN. She looked RIDICULOUS. Tara totally deserved it and looked AMAZING.

Kalli said...

I see a resemblance between Shostakovitch and your husband...

Kate said...

ouch Kalli. Just kidding. But Bill's heritage does hail from Eastern Europe.

Jobi- I was disappointed in TBL too. I still think Tara should have won, and I think that you should be disqualified for winning via eating disorder. I thought she might been too skinny...