Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My Vote Goes To.....

I'm tired of the of the news right now. I'm tired of hearing about the debates and the stupid commercials about change or lack thereof, and everything else that is going on right now. I'm over it.
Forget it McCain, I don't like you.
Same goes to you Obama, even though I have this awesome picture (only awesome if you become president), I still don't like you. Sorry.
Instead, I've decided that I'm going to vote for Josiah Bartlett for President 08. Good luck Jed, just make sure you bring Josh, Sam, Leo, Donna, CJ, Charlie, and Toby.

Jed Bartlett '08

**It is possible that I've watched too much West Wing lately. Oh well, I heart West Wing.


Aimee said...

I'm so there with you! I didn't know anyone beside the Soelberg family was into West Wing, we have all 7 seasons and Eric has all 7 seasons on his own. I'm glad there's another Bartlet fan out there, if only politicians really followed their ideals that much, huh? Well here's to a West Wing marathon instead of CNN.

Farm Girl said...

Hear, hear! The show so good and the characters so smart and likable that sometimes I forget I don't really agree with all their poltics.

Maybe the campaign slogan should be "Barlett for Burnouts".

Keith and Nicci said...

Unfortunately I have no idea who Jed Bartlett is because I've never watched West Wing (although I'd like to start), so I probably shouldn't vote for him, but I really don't like McCain or Obama either - maybe I'll write in Judge Bybee:)

Camille said...

i TOTALLY agree with you! jed is one great pres- at least he is on the WW. since eric bought all 7 seasons, and he's been working very late the past few weeks, i've starting watching the WW starting at season one. i sure love that show!

Kate said...

Bill got all 7 seasons for christmas last year. He has them going all the time. I've grown to love them, and I cried when C.J.'s body guard was killed. Oh, 3rd season is so sad.

Lehis said...

They both suck. VP debate was boring and full of all the "campaign slogans" we've heard for the past month. I just wish it were over. I'm so over it!! I think I'll vote for... Michael Scott. Michael Scott for President. He does such a good job running the Office, I think he could do just as good as anyone else in Washington right now. I think I'll get a yard sign.

Anonymous said...

Practical Idealism!! I eat that stuff up. WW for life - It's the only show I like to watch (over and over and...)

Seriously though, I think I'm voting for Bob Barr, Libertarian for Pres. ( It's who I think Jed would vote for. If Jed or Barr don't win, I'm moving to Foggy Bottom, and I'll get there using celestial navigation.

Eric Soelberg