This is really what my run was like. Boo.
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Did you think I was done training because I hadn't posted a running update yet? Well I wish. Less than 3 weeks to go, and I can tell because 1) I'm exhausted, 2) I have ferocious appetite, and 3) I'm having a difficult time dragging myself out of bed every morning (at least since yesterday...which totally counts). Anyway, my weekly mileage total was...........54.4 miserable miles. It really wasn't too bad of a week, I did a great hill workout with a friend, hit all the times on my sets, but what made it was suck was my last 20 miler that I did on Saturday. Did I mention how much I dread and despise 20 mile runs? On Friday night, that was all I could think of, and I wanted to puke. Saturday rolled around and I had to push my run until around 1, because I went to the cannery (I'm working on my food storage). So I headed outside after that and ran up and back (5 miles each way) 2x because there was a storm coming and I didn't want to be 10 miles from home. The wind was horrendous, and during those hours, I really hated life. But I did it. It was probably a good simulation run for Boston, weather sucked, I was tired, and hit the hill (overpass) at mile 19 (which equates somewhat to heartbreak hill). But I'm done, now I've got 1 more week to crank out and then taper time!!! Oh hallelujah!