Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Running Update

This is really what my run was like. Boo.
Picture from http://www.boatnerd.com/news/newpictures02/SH-wave-A%20-202.gif

Did you think I was done training because I hadn't posted a running update yet? Well I wish. Less than 3 weeks to go, and I can tell because 1) I'm exhausted, 2) I have ferocious appetite, and 3) I'm having a difficult time dragging myself out of bed every morning (at least since yesterday...which totally counts). Anyway, my weekly mileage total was...........54.4 miserable miles. It really wasn't too bad of a week, I did a great hill workout with a friend, hit all the times on my sets, but what made it was suck was my last 20 miler that I did on Saturday. Did I mention how much I dread and despise 20 mile runs? On Friday night, that was all I could think of, and I wanted to puke. Saturday rolled around and I had to push my run until around 1, because I went to the cannery (I'm working on my food storage). So I headed outside after that and ran up and back (5 miles each way) 2x because there was a storm coming and I didn't want to be 10 miles from home. The wind was horrendous, and during those hours, I really hated life. But I did it. It was probably a good simulation run for Boston, weather sucked, I was tired, and hit the hill (overpass) at mile 19 (which equates somewhat to heartbreak hill). But I'm done, now I've got 1 more week to crank out and then taper time!!! Oh hallelujah!


Keith and Nicci said...

Ouch, that just sounds so painful, but it's going to be so rewarding for you too. You're awesome.

the lunch lady said...

you. are. the. bomb. I don't think I could have made myself do it.

And way to go for working on your food storage!

Danielle said...

Ahh, I wondered why I saw you heading back towards Regents and then again heading toward Museum Campus. When I saw you the second time with a hood on I figured you had gone home to grab extra layers and then headed out again.

Yeah, Saturday was brutal! I think I averaged a 10:00 to 10:30 pace the first half of my run. I felt like I was barely moving! But on the bright side, that meant I had the wind at my back pushing me along for the second half.

Good luck with the last few weeks of training!

LuAnn said...

Is misspelling running symbolic...maybe Freudian?

Violet said...

Wow! I can't even run a mile and here you are doing 50+! That's amazing!

Camille said...

you're amazing, kate! eric and i are planning on watching the end of the race. i know there will be thousands of runners, but i'll look for you and will be cheering for you! good luck!

Kate said...

are we all appalled by my spelling mistake(s)? Well sorry, I've been crazy, and haven't found a moment to change it until now.

Annette said...

Good luck Kate!

Nanette said...

You are SUPERGIRL!!!
Way to persevere!